The Naming of Athens: The Hellenic Origin of the OliveDedicated to all the peoples from the mountains and the rivers to the Levantine Sea, who understand the true value of the olive tree.Jul 26, 2024Jul 26, 2024
Poseidon and Nerites: A Hellenic Love StoryIt is said that the Muse Erato, who presides over love and poetry, loveliest of her sisters, is want to spend her time on the beaches and…Jun 20, 2023Jun 20, 2023
Biology and the BinaryIncreasingly in recent years, trans (including nonbinary) and intersex people in the US and elsewhere have been facing increasingly…Jun 7, 2023Jun 7, 2023
The Birth of Athena and DionysosI begin my tale by honoring the Muse Polyhymnia, she who safeguards the hymns of the gods both on Olympos and in the Underworld, and ask…Nov 19, 2022Nov 19, 2022
Ankaios and the Untasted WineBeginning with you, Melpomene, who keeps record of all tragedies which have befallen the Greeks, I shall tell the brief story of Ankaios of…Aug 29, 2022Aug 29, 2022
The Myth of Polyphonte and the Origin of the StrigesTell me, oh Melpomene, Muse of Tragedy, of the one called Polyphonte, she who tried to resist the charms of fair Aphrodite, but who spurned…Oct 30, 2021Oct 30, 2021